On February 26, 2021, the Xanana Gusmão Reading Room (XGRR) and the Amahoro Association presented certificate of awards to the winners of the writing competition for children’s fiction story that was held from 20/11/2020 – 20/01/2021.
The award ceremony was opened by the manager of XGRR Mr. Gaspar Quintino Freitas. In this ceremony he expressed his gratitude and congratulates the winners of this competition and all participants who took part in this competition. He underlined that this competition was an instrument to facilitate the talents and motivate them to continue writing in order to develop their talents to write stories or do research in larger content so can give the benefit to the community.
Through this ceremony also Mr. Gaspar expressed his gratitude to the amahoro association for conducting this competition: “thank you to the amahoro association for creating this opportunity together with young people by doing this competition in our place”
Besides that Mrs. Teruko Saito as president of the amohoro association also gave thanks to XGRR for being collaboration with them to run this competition: “We want to say thank you for Mr. Gaspar and also the XGRR staff because so far they have helped this project and we are a small and new association, if without the help of XGRR we can’t run this project”.
Total number of participants who submitted their stories in this competition was 34 people, mostly young writers (19 males & 15 females). Through a very selective process we selected the best three stories with the following winner categories:
- Winner for SPECIAL AWARD is Rohim Adya Agel Putra for his story titled “Mau nehek nia adventura” (The adventure of Mau Ant). The Amahoro Assosiation will produce this story in a book with image illustration and to be launched this year.
- Winner for Xanana Gusmão Reading Room AWARD is Sonia Fernandes for her story titled “Toos nain no bibi-atan liurai nian” (The Farmer and the King’s Shepherd).
- Winner for AMAHORO AWARD is Tarcisio do Carmo Pereira Soares for his story titled “Fulan no Loro-Matan” (The Moon and the Sun).
Rohim Adya Agel Putra feels happy and proud because his story passed the selection and can be the winner in this competition. “I am very grateful because I can get the trust as a winner and I think this is very extraordinary because I learned to write for a long time and finally there are results and this motivate me to continue writing stories”.
Apart from handing over the award to the winners, XGRR and the amahoro association also handed over “CERTIFICATE APPRECIATION” to everyone who has submitted their stories to this competition.
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26-Fev-2021, Sala Leitura Xanana Gusmão no Associação Amahoro entrega prémiu no sertifikadu ba manan-nain sira ba kompetisaun hakerek istória fiksaun ba labarik ne’ebé mak hala’o husi 20/11/2020 – 20/01/2021.
Seremonia entrega prémiu ne’e loke husi Jestor Sala Leitura Xanana Gusmão Sr. Gaspar Quintino Freitas. Iha ninia mensajen nia hato’o obrigado no parabens ba manan nain no partisipante sira hotu ne’ebé mak partisipa iha kompetisaun ida ne’e no nia mós subliña katak kompetisaun ida ne’e hanesan instrumentu ida atu bele akomoda partisipante sira nia talentu no motiva nafatin sira hodi kontinua hakerek nune’e bele dezenvolve diak liu tan partisipante sira nia talentu hakerek istória ka halo peskiza iha konteudu ne’ebé mak boot liu tan, nune’e bele fo benefisiu ba komunidade.
Liu husi seremonia ne’e Sr. Gaspar mós la haluha hato’o obrigado ba associação amahoro hodi kria kompetisaun ida ne’e : “ obrigado ba associação amahoro ne’ebé mak kria ona oportunidade ida ne’e hamutuk ho joven sira hodi hala’o kompetisaun ida ne’e iha ami nia fatin”.
Iha sorin seluk Sra. Teruko Saito hanesan prezidente ba Associção Amahoro mós agradese ba Sala Leitura tanba bele kolabora ho sira hodi hala’o kompetisaun ida ne’e “Ami agradese tebes ba Sr. Gaspar no mós staff Sala Leitura Xanana Gusmão tanba durante ne’e ajuda ona ami nia preojetu ida ne’e no ami hanesan asosiasaun kiik ida ne’ebé mak foin moris tan ne’e, se la iha ajuda husi Sala leitura ami mós labele hala’o projetu ida ne’e”.
Total partisipante ne’ebé mak submete iha kompetisaun ida ne’e hamutuk ema nain 34 ne’ebé mak mesak joven de’it (Mane 19 & Feto 15). Liu husi prosesu mak selektivu tebes ami hili istória tolu ne’ebé mak konsidera diak liu ba kategória manan-nain sira tuir mai ne’e:
- Manan-nain ba kategòria PRÉMIU ESPESIÁL mak Rohim Adya Agel Putra ho títulu istória “Mau Nehek nia adventura”. Istória ba kategória ida ne’e Associação Amahoro sei halo produsaun livru hodi aumenta tan ilustrasaun imajen no lansamentu sei hala’o iha tinan ida ne’e.
- Manan-nain ba kategòria PRÉMIU SALA LEITURA XANANA GUSMÃO mak Sonia Fernandes ho nia títulu istória “Toos nain no bibi-atan liurai nian”.
- Manan-nain ba kategòria PRÉMIU AMAHORO mak Tarcisio do Carmo Pereira Soares ho títulu istória “ Fulan no Loro-Matan”.
Rohim Adya Agel Putra sente kontente no orgullu tanba ninia istória bele liu iha seleksaun no bele manan iha kompetisaun ida ne’e : “ pesoalmente agradese tanba bele hetan fiar hanesan manan nain i hau hanoin ida ne’e estraordinariu no kontente tebes tanba hau aprende hakerek ne’e mós kleur ona no ikus mai iha duni rezultadu no ida ne’e motiva tebes hau atu hakerek nafatin istória”.
Alem de fahe prémiu ba manan nain sira Sala Leitura no Associação Amahoro mós entrega PRÉMIU PARTISIPASAUN ba ema sira hotu ne’ebé mak halo ona submisaun istória ba kompetisaun ida ne’e.