On Thursday, December 10, 2020,  Xanana Gusmão Reading Room (XGRR) collaborated with a volunteer group from Tropas Ba Ambiente Saudavel (TROBAS) celebrate International Day of Human Rights by conducted a seminar with the theme “Education for a Good Life”.

The purpose of this seminar is to share information with students and young people about citizenship rights to access education.

The seminar invited two speakers, Mrs. Fransisca S. de Sousa from the Secretary of State for Equality in Inclusion and Mrs. Neolanda Marvia N. R. Fernandes from Sosiedade Advogada Estajiaria.

Mrs. Fransisca underlined that the right to education is very important because it has a positive impact such as covering gender gaps and with education  can increase economic income. She also said that the important value of education is to be able to help and provide comfort to ourselves from the treatment of crime, keep us away from war and terrorism, reduce poverty, and everyone is obliged to respect the laws and regulations of the country.

Besides that Mrs. Neolanda also gave her  opinion on the fundamental right to access education regardless of race, religion and gender. Everyone has the right to access universal education from primary school to superior level.

The seminar was conducted  four hours, starting from 02:00 AM to 05:00 PM at Uma Mahon, XGRR, and received many participation from young people and students.


Iha loron Kinta-feira, 10 Dezembru 2020, Sala Leitura Xanana Gusmão (SLXG) kolabora hamutuk ho grupu joven voluntáriu husi Tropas Ba Ambiente Saudavel (TROBAS) Komemora loron mundial ba direitu umanu liu husi halo seminariu ho tematiku    “ Edukasaun ba Moris Diak ”.

Objetivu husi seminariu ne’e mak atu fahe informasaun ba estudante no joven sira kona ba direitu sidadaun sira nian hodi asesu ba edukasaun.

Iha seminariu ne’e, konvida maluk orador nain rua mak hanesan : Sra. Fransisca S. de Sousa husi Sekretária Estadu ba Igualdade no Ikluzaun no Sra. Neolanda Marvia N. R. Fernandes husi Sosiedade Advogada Estajiaria.

Sra. Fransisca subliña katak direitu ba edukasaun importante tebes tanba fo impaktu positivu hanesan taka lakuna jéneru no liu husi edukasaun bele fo kresimentu ne’ebé di’ak ba ekonomia. Nia mos hateten katak valor importante husi edukasaun mak bele salva no fo seguransa ba an rasik husi hahalok krimi sira, hases-an husi funu no terorismu, halakon moris mukit, no ema hotu bele la’o tuir lei no orden nasaun nian.

Alem de ida ne’e Sra. Neolanda mos fo ninia hanoin kona ba direitu fundamentu asesu edukasaun la hare ba ras, relijiaun, no jéneru. Ema hotu-hotu iha direitu ba asesu edukasaun universal hahú husi ensinu baziku to nivel superior.

Seminariu ne’e hala’o durante oras haat nia laran, hahu husi tuku 02 : 00 Meiodia to’o 05 : 00 Lokraik iha Uma Mahon, SLXG, no hetan partisipasaun barak husi joven no estudante sira.