On January 15, 2020, the staff and board members including Kirsty Sword Gusmão, who is the founder of Xanana Gusmão Reading Room (XGRR), held a meeting regarding the planning program that will be carried out in 2020. In addition, XGRR Manager Gaspar Quintino Freitas gave a presentation on activities that have been carried out in 2019. Thank you very much for the presence of Mana Kirsty Sword Gusmão and the board members who have provided support through ideas that have greatly helped the work performance of the employees.


Iha loron 15 Janeiro 2020, staff no membru conselho tomak inklui mos Mana Kirsty Sword Gusmão nu’udar fundador ba Sala Leitura Xanana Gusmão halao enkontru hamutuk hodi deskute kona ba planu programa hirak ne’ebe mak sei halao iha tinan 2020. Alem de ida ne’e Jestor Sala Leitura Maun Gaspar Quintino Freitas aprezenta mos aktividade hirak ne’ebe mak hala’o ona iha tinan 2019. Obrigado barak ba Mana Kirsty no membru conselho hotu nia partisipasaun iha enkontru loron ohin nian hodi fo apoio ba Sala Leitura liu husi ideia no hanoin diak sira.