Bring Library to the Community
The Reading Room is now initiate a special library project called “Biblioteka Kaixa Movel” for the staff and volunteers to bring library in to their community. During the holiday period, our staff and volunteers will bring home some books in a box to continue promote love of reading in their everyday life.
Lori Biblioteka ba Komunidade
Sala Leitura, dadauk ne’e inisia projetu espesial ida mak hanakana “Biblioteka Kaixa Movel” atu funsionariu no voluntariu sira bele lori bilbioteka ba sira-nia komunidade rasik. Projetu espesial sei implementa durante periodu feriadu, nune’e ami-nia funsiaonariu no voluntariu sira sei lori livru balun iha kaixa laran atu kontinua promove kultura hadomi lee iha sira-nia moris loron-loron.