School Visit “GRACIA Y VERDAD International School”
Xanana Gusmão Reading Room (XGRR) was visited by Eskola de Gracia Y Verdad, during this visit the XGRR team conducted a tour to explain the functioning of each space at XGRR.
First visit to XGRR Library; we explained to the students about the facilities such as: Books, Internet and Newspapers, which everyone can access free of charge open from Monday to Saturday, from 9:00 to 17:00. So also tell them about the books not only we can read in the library, but XGRR can authorize to borrow these books to be able to read at home, to borrow must make a XGRR membership card.
Second visit to Bebeteka (children’s space); the responsible team explained about the facilities offered to children in Bebeteka such as: children’s books, Lafaek magazine and children’s toys. In addition to the facilities, we also offer various programs such as Basic English courses for children, School and Community Visits to conduct educational activities and every week we also have Mobile Library activities to bring books closer to the communities to read.
Lastly visit the XGRR Museum; we explained to them about this museum dedicated specially to Maun Boot Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão to archive the history of the past during the struggle for independence and we took them to approach directly to the paintings, medals and other items that there is a description so that they can learn about past histories.
Student Gianna Alexis Tolentino Ramos said that “When I Visit Xanana Gusmão Reading Room (XGRR) it’s fun and I have learned a lot of things through Library and museum, my friends and I really exciting for this opportunity because we can learn about Mr. Xanana History in the past. If I have time, I may come back again to explore more with facilities at XGRR”.
We would like to express our gratitude to the teachers of Eskola de Gracia Y Verdad for taking the initiative to bring the students to visit our space to explore and increase their knowledge through the visit.
Vizita Eskola “GRACIA Y VERDAD International School”
Sala Leitura Xanana Gusmão (SLXG) hetan vizita husi Eskola de Gracia Y Verdad, iha vizita ne’e ekipa SLXG halo tour hodi esplika funsionamentu kada espasu sira hotu iha SLXG.
Vizita dahuluk iha Biblioteka SLXG; ami esplika ba alin estudante sira kona-ba fasilidade sira hanesan: Livru, Internet no Jornal, ne’ebé ema hotu bele asesu ho gratuitamente loke komesa husi loron Segunda to’o Sábadu, tuku 9:00 to’o 17:00. Nune’e fó hatene mós ba sira kona ba livru sira la’os de’it ita bele lee iha Biblioteka laran maibé SLXG bele autoriza hodi empresta livru sira ne’e hodi bele ba lee iha uma, atu empresta mak tenke halo kartaun membru SLXG nian.
Vizita daruak iha Bebeteka (espasu ba labarik); ekipa responsavel halo esplikasaun kona ba fasilidade sira ne’ebé oferese ba labarik sira iha Bebeteka hanesan: Livru ba labarik, Revista Lafaek no sasán halimar ba labarik sira. Aleinde fasilidade sira ami mós oferese programa oioin hanesan kursu Lian Inglés Báziku ba labarik, Vizita Eskola no Komunidade hodi hala’o atividade edukativu sira no kada semana ami iha mós atividade Biblioteka Movel hodi lori livru hakbesik liu ba komunidade sira atu bele lee.
Ikus liu vizita Muzeum SLXG; ami esplika ba sira kona-ba muzeum ida ne’e dedika espesiál ba Maun Boot Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão hodi arkivu istória pasadu nian durante luta ba ukun rasik-an no ami lori sira hodi hakbesik direta ba Pintura, Medalla no Sasan sira seluk ne’ebé iha ona deskrisaun hodi nune’e bele aprende kona-ba istória pasadu sira.
Estudante Gianna Alexis Tolentino Ramos hatete katak “Bainhira Ha’u Vizita Sala Leitura Xanana Gusmão (SLXG) ne’e divertidu no ha’u aprende ona buat barak liuhusi Biblioteka no muzeu, ha’u ho ha’u nia belun sira emosionadu tebes ba oportunidade ida ne’e tanba ami bele aprende kona-ba Sr. Xanana nia Istória iha pasadu. Se ha’u iha tempu, ha’u bele fila fali mai atu esplora liután ho fasilidade sira iha SLXG”.