The students from the school Tecnica informatica de Dili (ETI-DILI) have completed their three (3) month internship in the Xanana Gusmao Reading Room (XGRR).
The internship programme each year receives the trainees to practice what they have learned in their school to apply again at the XGRR, this year the reading room receives ten (10) students with three (3) departments of the Technical of language and programme, Technical of Information Equipment of Management, Technical of Multimedia.
During the internship the trainee students applied what they learned at school, and the reading room team directed them to the space of the Museum, Library, Bebeteca and Audiovisual. The Manager of the reading room Maria Amaral Guterres told the students that “we have been internshiping here and that the reading room considers you as a family at any time you come and the door is always open to you and you have a programme you want to implement our support ready.” At the same time the student guider of ETI-DILI Professor Bendito Soares added and expressed his gratitude to the SLXG “the representative of the school of ETI-DILI would like to express our gratitude to the reading room team for welcoming our students to undertake their internships, which is an important step for our students to apply their skills. In the future we will continue bringing the students to the internship site and we hope that our collaboration continues to give our students the opportunity to come to the internship site.” The representatives of the internship staff also expressed their gratitude “we are ten students from ETI-DILI who during the three (3) months of internship in the reading room would like to thank the Manager and the structure for accompanying and guiding us through this we have learned a lot of experiences from the site. This is a wonderful gift for us to continue our professional career in the future.
The reading room also provides a certificate of appreciation to the trainees as a recognition to them during the internship.
Alin estudante sira hosi Escola Técnica Informática de Dili (ETI-DÍLI) termina ona sira nia estájiu durante fulan tolu (3) iha Sala Leitura Xanana Gusmão (SLXG).
Programa estájiu ne’e kada tinan Sala Leitura sempre simu estajiadu sira hodi prátika saida mak sira aprende ona iha sira nia eskola hodi mai aplika fali iha SLXG, iha tinan ida ne’e Sala Leitura simu estudante na’in sanulu (10) ho departamentu tolu (3) Técnico de Liguagem de Programação, Técnico de Gestão Equipamentos Informáticos, Técnico de Multimedia.
Durante estájiu estudante estajiadu sira aplika duni saida mak sira aprende iha eskola, ekipa Sala Leitura orienta sira ba iha espasu Muzeum, Biblioteka, Bebeteka no Audiovizual. Gestora Sala Leitura Maria Amaral Guterres hato’o lia menon ba estudante sira katak, “imi estájiu ona iha ne’e Sala Leitura konsidera ona imi hanesan família iha tempu saida de’it mak imi mai odamatan sempre nakloke ba imi no imi iha programa ruma hakarak implementa ami prontu apoiu”. Iha tempu hanesan orientadór estudante nian husi ETI-DÍLI Profesór Bendito Soares hatutan no hato’o lia agradesimentu ba SLXG “reprezenta hosi eskola ETI-DÍLI hakarak hato’o ami nia agradesimentu ba ekipa Sala Leitura tanba bele simu ona ami nia estudante sira hodi hala’o sira nia estájiu, ida ne’e hanesan pasu importante tebes ba ami nia estudante sira hodi aplika fali matenek sira ne’ebé sira aprende ona. Ba oin ami sei nafatin lori estudante sira hodi mai estájiu iha fatin ne’e no ami espera ita-nia kolaborasaun ida ne’e kontinua beibeik hodi fó oportunidade ba ami nia estudante sira hodi bele mai estájiu”. Reprezentante estajiadu sira hato’o mós sira nia agradesimentu “ami estudante na’in sanulu (10) hosi ETI-DÍLI ne’ebé durante hala’o estájiu durante fulan tolu (3) iha Sala Leitura hakarak hato’o agradese ba Gerente no estrutura tanba bele akompaña no orienta ona ami liu husi ida ne’e ami aprende esperiénsia lubuk ida husi fatin ne’e. Ida ne’e sai hanesan prezente furak ida ba ami atu bele kontinua karreira profisionál sira iha futuru oin mai.
Sala Leitura fó mós sertifikadu apresiasaun ba estajiadu sira hanesan rekoñesimentu ida ba sira durante estájiu.