Xanana Gusmao: STRATEGIES FOR THE FUTURE is a collection of speeches by His Excellency Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao, Prime Minister of The Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste. Selected from speeches given over the period 2007-2011, this volume is defined by those relating to the Prime Minister’s Strategic Development Plan for Timor-Leste – a plan that sets a vision for the next two decades and begins a new stage of bold national development for this young and promising country. The book also provides a view of the country’s current position and its potential in terms of social capital, infrastructure and economic development through speeches covering topics such as nationbuilding and peacebuilding, development, governance, international meetings, law and security. Inherent in the speeches is the theme of forgiveness, a rare and unique trait for a people who has suffered so much in their recent history.