XGRR and YCC Team Held Library Socialization in Orphanage of Irmãs Almas Bebonuk, Dili (September 15, 2020)
Based on International Charity Day which falls on September 15, 2020, Youth Community Care group (YCC) with the Xanana Gusmão Reading Room (XGRR) team held a charity action for orphanage Irmas Almas in Bebonuk – Dili.
This activity was held on the initiative of the YCC group aimed at celebrating international charity day. In addition to charity activities, the XGRR team also held outreach about Library activities and XGRR educational programs.
At this opportunity, the YCC team entertained the children who were participating in this activity with educational activities such as music, reading, games and drama
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Grupu Joven Youth Community Care (YCC) hamutuk ho Ekipa Jestaun Sala Leitura Xanana Gusmão (SLXG)
Relasiona ho loron Mundiál Karidade nian (International Day of Charity), ne’ebé monu iha loron 5 Setembru 2020, Grupu Joven Youth Community Care (YCC) hamutuk ho Ekipa Jestaun Sala Leitura Xanana Gusmão (SLXG) halo atividade asaun karitativa iha Orfanatu Irmãs Almas Bebonuk Dili. Atividade ne’e halo inisitiva mai husi Grupu Joven YCC rasik ho nia objetivu atu komemora loron mundiál ba asaun Karidade nian.
Alem atividade asaun karitativa, Ekipa Jestaun SLXG mos halo sosializasaun kona ba funsionamentu Biblioteka – Bebeteka SLXG, ho nia programa edukativu sira ne’ebé oferse ba asesu públiku.
Iha tempu hanesan, ekipa YCC oferese mos atividade edukasional sira hanesan Le’e Livru, Jogus, Muzika no Teatru hodi anima labarik sira ne’ebe partisipa mos iha atividade refere.