International Day of Literacy Celebrating at Xanana Gusmão Reading Room

International Day of Literacy Celebrating at Xanana Gusmão Reading Room

The Xanana Gusmão Reading Room (XGRR) team held educational activities for children, such as playing, painting, learning numbers and alphabets in English for the context of celebrating the International Day of Literacy in Bebeteka. On this occasion, we are also collaborating with UNESCO TL to provide science and technology activities for students of Escola 4 de Setembru Balide, Dili – TL.

Komemorasaun Loron Internasional ba Literasia iha XGRR

Ekipa Jestaun Sala Leitura Xanana Gusmão (SLXG) hala’o atividade edukasional ba labarik sira mak hanesan jogus, dezeñu no aprende númeru no alfabetu iha lian Inglés iha ambitu selebrasaun loron mundiál literasia nian iha Bebeteka. Iha tempu hanesan ami mós kolabora ho UNESCO TL oferese atividade siensia hodi aprende kona-ba Jeolojia no Tektóniku ba estudante sira husi Escola 4 de Setembru Balide, Dili – TL.