Parenting Education and Reading Campaign in Manleuana Village

Parenting Education and Reading Campaign in Manleuana Village

Xanana Gusmão Reading Room (XGRR) held socialization activities in Manleuana with the general theme “Importance of Reading Books for Children” The objective of this socialization is to share knowledge to the communities about the importance of reading books for children related to education and health.

In this socialization, Mobile Library Coordinator Maun Noe Lopes made a presentation on “Xanana Gusmão Reading Room (XGRR) as an Alternative Site for Access to Education”.

As we all know, XGRR is a non-profit organization that provides educational facilities such as libraries, museums, audiovisual, bebetaka (space for children), etc., so it is very important to provide knowledge of these facilities to the community to be an option for parents to encourage their children to access educational facilities in their spare time.

In this socialization, Maun Noe Lopes presented more about all the activities carried out in XGRR related to various educational activities for children, youth especially students to be able to access to improve their knowledge.

Head of Lemokari Village from Manleuana, Mr. Estaquio Tilman, said that “this socialization gives many advantages to my community, especially to increase our knowledge about access to information and this can encourage the participation of our children and youth to access the library that XGRR provides, and also share information about the English course that began to open from 2020 until today”

In addition, the local authority also recommended that XGRR can establish English courses in Manleuna, so as to train young people to know more about the English language.

The socialization was held during the day and was attended by parents, local authorities and youth from the village.

This socialization is the first phase of XGRR’s activity in Manleuana, and the continuation of the activity is that during July the team responsible for the Mobile Library program will bring books to visit villages in Manleuana to facilitate educational activities such as reading books together, animation, educational games, etc.

The book reading campaign program is funded by the Direct Aid Program (DAP) of the Australian Embassy in Timor Leste.

Edukasaun Parental no Kampana Lee Livru iha Suco Manleuana

Sala Leitura Xanana Gusmão (SLXG) realiza atividade Socializasaun Iha Suku Manleuana ho Tema Geral “Importansia Lee Livru Ba Labarik Sira”. Objetivu husi sosializasaun ne’e mak atu fahe koñesimentu ba komunidade sira kona ba importánsia lee livru ba labarik sira liga ho aspetu edukasaun no saúde.

Iha sosializasaun ne’e Coordenador biblioteka movel Maun Noe Lopes halo aprezentasaun kona ba “Sala Leitura Xanana Gusmão (SLXG) nu’udar Sitiu Alternativu ida hodi Asesu ba Edukasaun”.

Hanesan ita hotu hatene katak, SLXG hanesan organizasaun naun- lukru ne’ebé fornese fasilidade ba edukasaun hanesan biblioteka, muzeum, audiovizuál, bebetaka (espasu ba labarik), nst, nune’e importante tebes atu fó koñesimentu fasilidade hirak ne’e ba komunidade hodi bele sai hanesan opsaun ba inan aman sira atu enkoraja oan sira asesu ba fasilidade edukasaun bainhira iha tempu livre.

Iha sosializasaun ne’e Maun Noe Lopes aprezenta liu kona ba atividade hotu ne’ebé hala’o iha SLXG liga ho atividade edukativu oioin ba Labarik, Joven liuliu estudante sira atu bele asesu hodi hasa’e di’ak liu tan sira koñesimentu.

Xefe Aldeia Lemokari husi Suku Manleuana Sr. Estaquio Tilman,  hateten katak “sosializasaun ida ne’e fó vantajen lubuk ida  ba ha’u-nia komunidade, liuliu bele hakle’an liu tan ami nia koñesimentu kona ba asesu informasaun sira no ida ne’e bele enkoraja partisipasaun ita-nia oan no juventude sira atu bele asesu ba Biblioteka ne’ebé mak SLXG fornese, no mós fahe informasaun kona-ba kursus Inglesh ne’ebé mak hahú loke husi tinan 2020 to’o ohin loron”


Aleinde ne’e  autoridade lokál ne’e mós rekomenda atu SLXG bele estabelese kursus inglés  iha Suku Manleuna atu nune’e bele kapasita  joven sira hodi bele koñese liu tan língua Inglesh iha Suku ida ne’e.

Sosializasaun ne’e hala’o durante loron sorin no hetan partisipasaun husi Inan Aman, autoridade lokál  no joven sira husi suku refere..

Sosializasaun ne’e hanesan faze primeiru ba SLXG nia atividade iha Suku Manleuana, no kontinuasaun husi atividade refere mak durante fulan Jullu nia laran ekipa responsavel ba programa Biblioteka Movel sei lori livru ba vizita aldeia sira iha Suku Manleuana atu bele fasilita atividade edukativu sira hanesan lee livru hamutuk, animasaun, jogus edukativu, nst.

Programa kampaña lee livru ne’e hetan apoiu fundus husi Direct Aid Program (DAP) husi Embaixada Australia iha Timor Leste.