The Campaign On The Importance Of Reading With Theme Of The Activity “enhancing Youth Reading Culture” In Celebrating World Youth Day

The Campaign On The Importance Of Reading With Theme Of The Activity “enhancing Youth Reading Culture” In Celebrating World Youth Day

Based on World Youth Day which falls on August 12, 2020, the XGRR Team with Youth Community Care (YCC), celebrates this special day by holding a campaign on the importance of reading and a long march, starting from government palace to largo lecidere.

Apart from campaign activity, held also additional activities were such as dramas, inspiring poetry reading related to the contribution of youths in the context of national development.

This activity was attended by various parties, such as the Youth Group Juventude Hadomi Natureza, RYLA, the National Media Team, students from various universities in Dili.

Kampaña kona ba Importánsia Husi Arte Husi Atividade ne ‘e “hasa’ e Kultura Leitura” Hodi komemora Loron Mundiál Juventude nian

Relasiona ho loron mundial juventude nian, ne’ebe monu iha Loron 12 Agostu 2020, Ekipa Jestaun Sala Leitura hamutuk ho Grupu Joven Youth Community Care (YCC), selebra loron importante ida ne’e ho realiza Kampaña kona ba importansia le’e livru ho atividade marsa lao ain hahu husi Palaçio to’o Largo.

Alem kampaña, halao mos atividade edukativu adisional sira hanesan Teatru no le’e poezia inspirativu kona ba juventude sira nian partisipasaun iha prosesu dezenvolvimentu nasional iha futuru oin mai.

Atividade ne’e hetan partisipa husi Grupu juventude Hadomi Natureza, RYLA, Ekipa Media Nasional no Estudantes Universitariu sira husi universidade oin – oin iha Dili laran.